Teneo has a Code of Conduct detailing its values and principles.
In turn, Teneo Procurement has its own functional level policies and procedures that follow this code of conduct but relate more specifically to the operating practices of the Procurement function. Teneo aims to enjoy the highest reputation for the professional, legal and ethical way in which it conducts its business.
The overriding intention of Teneo Supplier Code of Conduct is that our suppliers will carry out their business in a safe, professional, legal and ethical manner and in a way that demonstrates corporate social responsibility. In order to provide materials or services to Teneo, suppliers are required to comply with this Code of Conduct.
The Teneo Supplier Code of Conduct outlines behaviours, processes and procedures which Teneo group observe as the standards we expect from our suppliers. The
wide range of issues addressed in the Code reflects the many diverse activities in which our suppliers are involved.
Wherever possible, the Code defines a fair and common sense approach to doing business, while incorporating all relevant legal requirements.
The content of the Code also takes into account Teneo’s Values & Principles, particularly the emphasis on safety, taking personal ownership for our actions and communicating with openness and involvement. It is the responsibility of all of our suppliers to follow the principles of this Code to ensure compliance with our requirements.
Policy Detail
Teneo Procurement is responsible for sourcing activities of Materials and services. We will develop and implement best-fit strategies for each category to deliver
maximum value from our supply markets considering cost and risk management, sustainability, innovation, and growth.
Supplier Selection
Teneo Procurement will employ a consistent and transparent process in the selection of its suppliers. Using our stated criteria, some of which are generic and some category dependent, we will assess potential suppliers according to capability, cost competitiveness, financial risk, and recognized behaviours. We will also determine a supplier’s ability to supply the required products effectively and efficiently within the required time schedule. We will monitor the performance of our suppliers in a continuous manner to ensure standards are maintained and as a tool for continuous improvement.
Expectations from Suppliers
We expect our suppliers to achieve and maintain high standards throughout the supply chain but particularly with regards to the following:
Ethical Behaviour
All suppliers must accept personal responsibility for behaving professionally, ethically and with integrity and fairness. In everyday business transactions suppliers must be even-handed and fair without deception or dishonesty in their dealings with customers, suppliers and others with whom they work. When trading with customers, subsidiaries and suppliers away from their home base our suppliers should respect, not only the laws of those countries but also their traditions and cultures.
Social Behaviour – Human considerations in the workplace.
All suppliers must conform to the relevant International Labour Organisation – Labour Standards as a minimum requirement. This means suppliers must strive to apply employment standards which promote the application of human rights. There should be no intentional discrimination for recruitments, promotions, job transfer, dismissal and other employment related activities on the basis of race, colour, creed, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, disability, union membership, political affiliation or other status protected by law.
Local laws on age discrimination must be observed. Abuse, harassment or intimidation will not be tolerated under any circumstances nor will the act of pressurising or retaliating against the individual who reports such harassment. While these general principles are applicable to all of our suppliers, each specific case should be carefully reviewed with reference to the law in each of the countries in which they operate.
Teneo audit procedures / assessments for all suppliers will embrace corporate social responsibility and human rights employment standards. The adoption of
human rights employment standards is important in providing individuals with the treatment they have a right to expect and it is believed this will, in
turn, lead to a more successful business through a more effective, motivated and committed workforce.
The key standards in this code of conduct are:
1. A safe and healthy working environment must be provided by minimising as far as is reasonably practical, the causes of hazards inherent in the working
2. Controls must be in place to minimise the risk of exposure to harmful materials, machinery or operations.
3. Suppliers are expected to operate and maintain an effective safety policy
4. Regulations relating to employment in each country in which the supplier operates must be respected.
5. Appropriate methods of regular employee consultation and communication should be evident to meet the joint needs of the particular business and its employees.
6. National employment law on working hours will be respected. Employees will not be required to work excessive standard hours on a regular basis. The working of additional hours over and above the standard hours, where necessary, should not be excessive nor requested with unreasonable frequency.
7. Teneo will not engage with suppliers who apply or support forced labour. Young people under the age of 15, or older if defined by law, should not be employed.
Environmental Behaviour
Our suppliers must recognise the crucial importance of their role in reducing environmental impact. They must play their part in creating a prosperous and sustainable future by continually seeking to achieve best practice in environmental protection.
As a minimum we expect all suppliers to:
1. Comply with all applicable environmental legislation.
2. Have an environmental policy that is proportionate to the environmental risk of their business.
3. Manage hazardous material through compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards as well as internal rules and procedures. Suppliers must seek to take every possible measure in order to prevent release of hazardous material, fire, explosion and other major accidents that may cause severe damage to their own employees, premises, surrounding communities and environment.
4. Follow procedures that ensure existing plant and equipment are operated in ways which minimise any impact on the environment.
5. Train employees and provide the necessary resources to make them aware of their personal environmental responsibilities in protecting the environment.
Teneo will encourage suppliers to:
1. Pursue an environmental programme of continuous improvement.
2. Have a certified (or equivalent) environmental management system which seeks to encourage our suppliers to facilitate good environmental practices and promote the efficient use, reuse, and recovery of materials and energy used in their manufacturing and processing.
3. Continually improve processes to minimise environmental impact and provide products which support a more sustainable environment.
4. Consider Environmental factors at an early stage in research, design and development of products and processes.
5. Be willing to provide information on their environmental management practices and consumption of key materials or chemicals to help Teneo carry out life cycle analysis on final products or to provide information required by the customers of Teneo.
In line with our Sustainability Policy, Teneo will communicate and work constructively with our suppliers and governments, regulatory agencies, the scientific community and other relevant stakeholders as appropriate, to develop and encourage business and community practices that make progress towards the common aim of sustainable development. Our suppliers must uphold the same standards with regards to their own suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors and be able to provide evidence of this if requested.
Supplier Risk Management
As part of its Supplier Risk Management Process, Teneo assesses its suppliers for Financial Risk and Strategic Risk. Teneo supplier’s, are expected to manage the risk of their own suppliers. In addition, suppliers are expected to operate their business in a responsible and prudent manner to minimize the risk of financial failure. Suppliers will inform Teneo of any issues or developments that significantly increase the level of risk in the supply chain to Teneo.
Contract Management
Relationships with suppliers will be formalised contractually using, where appropriate, our standard terms and conditions or a specific contract tailored to the individual relationship.
The purpose of contract management is to:
1. Understand and manage risk
2. Clarify the legal arrangements between Teneo and its suppliers including the legal jurisdiction
3. Secure the optimal value to the business
4. Ensure supplier performance is in line with contractual terms
Supplier Development
Teneo will work constructively with its suppliers to improve the overall outcome for the commercial relationship. We will expect our suppliers not only to operate
in compliance with today’s expectations but also be aware of and already preparing for tomorrow’s anticipated demands. Customers or Government driven legislation aimed at continually improving peoples’ well being and the environment in which they live. Teneo will work with its suppliers, to develop these initiatives or improve existing solutions which will also cover the areas of technical innovation & operational improvement.